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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Son Of Lawrenceburg Resident Killed In Iraq

   A Lawrenceburg man’s son died as the result of a roadside bombing last week, while serving in Iraq.

   A native of Chicago, Eric Lill, 28, was serving his second tour of duty in Iraq, working to train the Iraqui police force. He was killed in a roadside bombing in Baghdad on Friday.

   Lill is the son of Anthony Lill of 209 West Laurel Drive, Lawrenceburg. A graduate of St. Laurence High School in Burbank, Lill played hockey at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, for a year before enlisting. He had served at the army base in Germany before transferring to the Second Infantry Division in Fort Carson, Colorado, to be nearer his two young children. His division was deployed to Iraq last October.
   In addition to his father, Lill is survived by daughter Mikayla, 4, and son Cody, age 6. Lill's body will be flown to Chicago, where funeral services will be conducted.
